Mexico to Lago Izabal, Guatamala

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A reminder of our earlier visit to Cuba - a handbuilt boat makes it to Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

The crew for our voyage from Isla Mujeres to the
Rio Dulce, Guatemala ...left to right - Rachel, Mika, June, Lisa and Ed

Ed supervises Mika and Rachel raising the mainsail.

Ed relaxes on Ranguana Cay, Belize, while the crew are snorkelling.

Approaching Livingston, Guatemala,
just before dawn

Ed on the helm
as we start up
the Rio Dulce

We drop anchor on our way up river.....

and take our skiff up Rio Tatin to walk Thor and do our laundry!

We anchor in
Lago Izabal
at Denny's Beach while scouting for a place to haul out.

We meet our first Mayan family in the village of Punta Caimanes.

The Absolute Absolution is lined up as the team prepare for the haul out.

Ed guides the raft in.

The Absolute Absolution emerges from the lake....

with the help of heavy duty winches and the strong arms of the villagers.

Our raft slowly disappears into the jungle folliage of the village....

and into its shady resting place in Punta Caimanes.

Louis offers to look after our dog Thor and our cat Brendan during our absence.

Bessy, an undergraduate at university in Guatamala, and whose parents run the local tienda, promises to keep in touch with us by email.
Next photo page: Jungle Medic

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Special Thanks to Wiel
Last revised: May 30, 2006